Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Sunday, October 11, 2015

little gem nebula NGC 6818, planetary primer I

Planetary nebulae are clouds of glowing gas surrounding a “dying” star.  Visually, many are relatively bright grey patches (by deep sky object standard, though very faint compared to an actual planet).  Spectrographically, they typically have very strong doubly ionized oxygen (OIII) emissions compared to other nebulae.  An OIII filter is a handy tool for the amateur astronomer, enhancing these nebulae and confirming their identity.  Though not detectable visually, they also tend to be relatively strong in singly ionized Nitrogen (NII) and singly ionized Helium (denoted HeII, which I may avoid going forward due to the unfortunate confusion). 

NGC 6818 aka the little gem is a small bright planetary nebula in sagittarius.  Roughly planet sized and near the ecliptic (path of the planets through the sky) one can see why it gets the moniker “planetary”, but at roughly 6,000 light years away it’s 1/2 light year across.  The blue/teal in this image is due to OIII emissions and red due to NII emissions. 

Here’s the OIII



8" LX200R, SX Trius 694 0.4"/px
astrodon 3nm NII, 3nm OIII
NII 19x20 min OIII 24x5 min


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

planetary nebula Abell 72

Abell 72 is a faint planetary nebula
It's weak signal is almost all (teal/blue) OIII (doubly ionized oxygen)
the blue central star shows nicely in this image:
the other interesting structure in the field is the small faint galaxy pair just below the nebula.
at 979 million light years distant, the pair is quite far in the background.  it took 7 hours of exposure with a narrow band oxygen III filter to bring out the faint planetary nebula. an additional 9 hours of broad band exposure were required to bring out the faint galaxies.  interestingly, the nebula was barely detectable in the broad band image, showing the power of narrow band filters in light polluted skies.  

8" LX200R, SX-AO, astrodon 5nm OIII filter, chroma LPR filter, SX H9c/H9, ASA DDM 60

luminance 56x5 min, RGB 14x20 min, OIII 22x20 min