Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Mars opposition 2020

 Here's mars shortly after 2020 opposition:

Mars RGB 10/14/2020 0758_5-UTC

Mars IR-RGB 10/14/2020 0758_5-UTC

Note that the bottom image, which uses IR as luminance gives sharper detail and contrast for the dark surface structures, but loses the detail at and around the southern polar cap as well as the bight bluish cloud? near the northern pole (upper right, which was visible in the eyepiece)

This year's opposition was much better than 2018 visually, as there was no dust storm obscuring the surface and it occurred at higher elevation for northern hemisphere observers.

Image details:
10/14/2020  07:48-08:09 UTC
celestron 11" Edge HD
televue 2x barlow
ZWO RGB filters, Baader IR pass "685" nm
2x120 second captures each filter, 200 FPS
gain 351, exposure ~1 ms, 30% histogram
firecapture, autostakkert, winjupos, maxim, photoshop
elevation ~60 degrees
Southern California