Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A red flame

Captured a few solar prominence images between clouds this weekend with a hydrogen alpha scope .  I typically process these as black and white for maximum contrast, but red (the actual color) seemed most appropriate today:
Solar Prominence 2/9/2019
Here's a prominence from the next day.  I cranked the exposure to bring out some of the faint detail.  
Solar Prominence 2/10/19
Same prominence with shorter exposures:
Solar Prominence 2/10/19
wider crop for fun:

Image details:
Lunt 60 PT on manual alt-azm mount
ASI 290 MM
Eastbluff, CA 2/9/19  22:03 UT, 2/10/19 19:05 UT

double stacked
20 second video 60 fps
best 25%

single stacked
20 second video 48 fps (full frame by mistake)
Shutter=2.379ms to 20.58ms
best 25%