Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jupiter at opposition 2019: great red spot unfurling

Jupiter reached opposition (directly opposite the sun) June 10th.  you can see it rising in the east after sunset.  It will get higher and higher in the evening sky over the next few months.

Here's my first Jupiter of the season from June 9th right before opposition:
Jupiter 6/9/2019 08:52 UTC
this infrared image enhances the great red spot and the mid equatorial zone (more about the latter later):
Jupiter IR-GB 6/9/2019 08:52 UTC

Recently, portions of the great red spot were found to be peeling off.

Here's a blink of the GRS at larger scale with and without IR enhancement:
Jupiter 6/9/2019 08:52 UTC

The enhancing red stripe is likely a section of the great red spot that has peeled off. 
Here's a time lapse of the great red spot taken by BQ Octantis, a member of the cloudy nights forum, imaging from the Australian outback:
posted with permission

A section of the great red spot appears to peel off on June 1 and then progress to the right.  

Here's an article at sky and telescope with more details and images.

Imaging details:
camera ZWO ASI 290MM with ZWO RGB filters
Baader IR pass 685 nm, Astronomik IR pass 807 nm
6/9/19 08:52 UTC
celestron 11" Edge HD
televue 2x barlow
90 second captures 4 each filter (2 for each of the IR filters)
gain 351, exposure ~3-6ms, 30% histogram, ~150 fps
IR 685 Shutter=4.831ms, FPS (avg.)=145
IR 807 Shutter=23.89ms, FPS (avg.)=41
corrector fogged up despite dew heater, blurring detail
so image is only 50% scale :(
807 nm images as sharp or better than 685 nm despite longer exposure, lower fps