Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Last weekend's loop de loop 9/1/2024 20:06 UTC

Last weekend (Sept 1st 2024) there was a large coronal mass ejection / flare off of the rim of the sun, followed by post flare loops that lasted for hours.  missed the flare, but caught the loops.  

Solar Prominence 2024 09 01 20:06 UTC

10 minute animation
Solar Prominence 2024 09 01
19:59 - 20:10 UTC

A few minutes on the little guy

Solar Prominence 2024 09 01

Image details:
Eastbluff, CA
2024 09 01
19:59 - 20:10 UTC
M class flare peaked at M5.57 south of AR3811 followed by persistent loops
Lunt 60 PT B1200 
manual guiding with alt-azm mount
zwo ASI 290MM
20 second captures
FPS (avg.)=183
Gain=351 (58%)
best 25% frames
autostakkert, registax, photoshop
aligned and manually de-rotated in photoshop

here's an autoalign in photoshop without derotation
Solar Prominence 2024 09 01
19:59 - 20:10 UTC

after tedious manual derotation/alignment
Solar Prominence 2024 09 01
19:59 - 20:10 UTC
manual alignment and de-rotation

Loop the loop

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