Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Sunday, June 10, 2018

first Jupiter of the year 6/8/18 6 AM UTC good seeing

Here's my first jupiter of the year:
Jupiter and moons 2018-06-08-0512 UT

seeing was unusually good:
Jupiter 2018-06-08-0611_1 R-G-B

spent all last year tweaking equipment trying to get a good planetary image and got mush.  this year, first time out with older equipment i got lucky with good seeing, blowing away anything i did with my fine tuned rig last year :(

a few comparisons for imagers:
RGB camera up sampled 2x vs barlow:
RGB camera upsized x2
RGB camera 2x barlow
close, but very slight edge to the barlow

RGB camera barlowed 3x2 minute runs combined:

mono camera 1 minute x 2 each channel:

corrector fogged out before i could get a barlowed mono image :(

image details
celestron nexstar 8 GPS (8" SCT on a wedge)
wide view
2 minutes with firecapture 5 ms exposures @ 21 fps
6/8/18 5:12 UTC

large view
ZWO RGB filters,
2x60 second captures for each filter R G B
captures with firecapture ~5ms @ ~180 fps 30% histogram
6/8/18 6:11 UTC
stacked in autostakkert (upsampled x2), combined in WinJupos, sharpened in registax 6
final combine in photoshop

not shown: IR filter added little
adding small boxes closer to the edge in autostakkert, gave better peripheral detail

Southern California

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