Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Try increasing gamma if dark sections aren't distinguished

Saturday, January 4, 2025

second jupiter of the year 2025-01-03 05:39.2 UTC

 still more good seeing, this time through light fog.  

The great red spot can be seen just peaking off the right side (better shown in the animation below).  There appears to be a long tail of turbulent clouds "following" the GRS in the brown southern equatorial belt.  


2025 01 03 05:32.9-05:45.6 UTC

initial view for winjupos orientation caught detail on Ganymede:

Jupiter and Ganymede
2025-01-03 05:28.8 UTC

Imaging details:
exposures were 2-3 times longer than normal due to light to moderate fog

Thursday, January 2, 2025

first jupiter of the year 2025-01-02 06:03.2 UTC

another night of good seeing, managed to get the barlow out for 2x magnification before the fog rolled in

first of the year
ally 1/2/25  06:03.2 UTC
but it was 10 PM on January first local

2025-01-02 05:57-06:10 UTC

Sadly, fog totally obscured mars later in the evening.  

imaging details:
the animation is composed of individual captures
couldn't resist pushing the processing a bit hard as the data was pretty good
difficulty tuning the eADC now with the barlow because the numbers are so damn small
will try installing the software
sadly the instructions call for arcane knowledge of driver installation.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year. Jupiter 12/31/24 3:48.6 UTC

happy new year all.  

the region between the 2 blue festoons was blazing away through medium to heavy fog.  

you can also see a recent storm in the southern equatorial belt (white patch to the right of the lower of the two thick tan bands)

Image details:
see annotations
best 4 of 9 capture attempts over a 10 minute period.  
the image was upsampled 3x, processed then reduced to 50%, so 1.5x from native.
conditions have been tough recently, either terrible seeing, clouds or heavy fog.  i've often noted the seeing can be excellent when it's foggy, but there's usually a very short window to image before total fog out, with the challenge of massive dew formation.  this one was captured through breaks in the fog with the dew heater on max.  The region was never totally clear and completely fogged at times.  had to feather the exposure time during captures to keep the exposure reasonable.  The lowest exposures were still 3x that of a clear night, going up to 10x. used virtualdub to delete overexposed frames (PIPP didn't work).