but despite comet ISON's demise during it's pass by the sun
there's another comet out
while comet lovejoy is by no means comet of the century
it's one of the best comets i've been able to photograph from light polluted skies:
this one is fairly bright, but low in the sky
rises above my treeline at 15 degrees in the east at 5 AM, too bright to photograph by 6
so only had a narrow window to image it.
this is a stack of 20x2 minute exposures tracking on the head of the comet
which is moving relative to the stars, explaining the trails
here's an animation of the 20 individual frames aligned on the stars
showing the comet's motion (big file):
comet lovejoy motion
should remain fairly bright thru the month of january, rising higher in the sky
shame it's been overshadowed by ISON.
bill w